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  • Time is a concept that affects everything. Things age and their story is lost with them. We try to preserve these stories through museums, films, books, songs or even memories. But they are just an attempt at capturing the true events in the hopes of keeping them alive for a little longer in a way. This project is one of those attempts to tell the story of an accordion who has been lost to time

Time is a concept that affects everything. Things age and their story is lost with them. We try to preserve these stories through museums, films, books, songs or even memories. But they are just an attempt at capturing the true events in the hopes of keeping them alive for a little longer in a way. This project is one of those attempts to tell the story of an accordion who has been lost to time

Play it the way
it used to be

This was a college project that involved investigating one’s own family history through the voices of the previous two generations.


Project Brief

One will be excavating objects and anecdotes, speaking in depth to members of their respective family or relatives and friends who can share experiences from their lives anytime in the last three decades of the 20th century. Students are encouraged to layer these stories with an understanding of the national and global social, cultural, and political landscapes of that time in history. With an impetus on a wide range of image and time-based media art. The timeline of the project is devoted to a period of research, pre-production, and production, and encourages students to have a finished piece of work by the end.



Project Guide - Priyankar Gupta

Narration - Neha Shetty

Hard surface textures - C4DCentre

HDRIs - PolyHaven

Bathroom base model - Sketchfab

Cow Model - Nyilonely Company

Buildings base model - Daniel Zhabotinsky

Sound - Pixabay/KM007

La Mer - Charles Trenet (covered by Piotr)

Life of a wandering wizard - Serge Quadrado

A walk in Paris - Olystudio

Birds Ambience - NickPe

© 2024 Elvin Rodrigues

+91 7208 289 293
+91 7208 289 293

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